Leaders Who Serve – Joys of Giving Back

By Andrea Gamble, Administrative Director

Konni Thomas is the owner of First Street Coffee House and serves as the current President of Leadership Gilroy. As a leader in our community, Konni knows the joys of giving back. She supports many of our local non-profit organizations and shares some reflections here:

  • It feels good to help those in need. Gilroy's non-profit agencies embody the spirit and values of our community by helping hundreds of individuals and families. Supporting organizations that provide services to those in need is very fulfilling.

  • Generosity is good for business. While this isn’t the motivation behind her involvement, Konni finds that generosity multiplies itself and the support she offers local organizations has been surprisingly beneficial to her own business as well.

  • Giving back is really quite fun. Attending events such as fundraisers, galas, luncheons and dinners is an enjoyable way to spend time with friends, a great way to meet new people and an opportunity to get connected in the community.

From Operation Freedom Paws and Community Solutions, to Rebekah Children’s Services and St. Joseph’s Family Center – there are so many different organizations making an impact on our community. They help us dream big, raise expectations and work toward common goals. They touch hundreds of lives each day and help foster a positive environment.

It is vital to support our non-profit agencies with our time, talent and treasure. If you already support a local non-profit, perhaps you’ll consider ways to expand your reach. If you are looking for ways to get plugged in, Gilroy has many opportunities. Konni reminds us that, in the words of Winston Churchill, "We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.


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