Reflections on Leadership

By Amparo Mendoza-Patino, Leadership Gilroy Board of Directors

Amparo Mendoza-Patino is a local Intero real estate agent and a current board member for Leadership Gilroy. She is a graduate of the LG Class of 2015 and believes everyone has the opportunity to be a leader. She shares some additional thoughts on leadership here:

  • We are all leaders - At some point in our lives whether we like it or not, we are placed in a position to lead. We will lead others in a variety of areas of life such as faith, family, friends, children, teams, organizations, companies and non-profits.

  • Know what leadership is - Being a leader is not a right, it is a privilege. It is not a title easily given, but one that is earned. Leadership is not boastful, but instead is vulnerable, loyal and full of integrity. It is not a job, but a purpose. It requires more listening than talking and lifting others up rather than putting them down. It is inspiring others as opposed to intimidating them.

  • Our titles don’t make us leaders - It is not our title or what we say that makes us a great leader. Who we are on a day-today basis and how we positively influence others is what defines true leadership.

We hope these thoughts spark your passion for leadership. In whatever aspect of your life it may apply, may you leave a positive impact on those around you and empower others to do the same!


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